How does a state bill become law? What’s the JBC? And how can you advocate for policy change? 

This introductory video is all about Colorado’s legislative process. Watch it to gain a basic understanding (or get a refresher) of the process and common terminology, as well as how you can participate in state policy efforts and what resources are available to help you. (You also can view the bilingual presentation slides.)

Anti-Hunger Community Toolkit

Assess and advocate for your local food system by utilizing this toolkit from the Blueprint. It’s available in English and Spanish.

Spanish-language toolkit for providing testimony at State Capitol

The “Cómo Testificar en Colorado” toolkit — a collaborative effort by many individuals and organizations — supports Spanish speakers who want to give public testimony at the State Capitol. It includes three educational videos, a translation of the online registration form, and an audio example.

Access the resource in Spanish, and share it with others.