Food to Power - Colorado Springs

Founded in 2013 and formerly known as the Colorado Springs Food Rescue, the group's flagship program designed to reduce food waste while increasing food access, quickly evolved into “organism with a mission” —  multi-faceted programming working together to cultivate a healthy, equitable food system in the greater Colorado Springs community. The group's core activities include food access, food education and food production. With support from the Food Pantry Assistance Grant, Food to Power will launch first year operations of the Hillside Hub, Colorado Springs first neighborhood food center, located in SE Colorado Springs. The goal of the Hillside Hub is to provide a space for neighbors to grow, access, advocate for, cook, gain employment through and learn about healthy food. Grant funding would assist with the costs of pilot programs in food access, education and production including researching community needs/desires in additional food retail options and hyper local food purchasing options. This would lead to improving food sovereignty in the SE communities, expanding child and elderly nutrition sites, and creating place-based solutions to end hunger. Learn more about this organization.